

aupa - isu分会章程 
The name of this organization is the bc菠菜导航分会 的 美国大学教授协会.  协会名称的正式缩写是:AAUP~ISU Chapter.  以下各条所称组织为“分会”.” 
1. 捍卫bc菠菜导航的学术自由和终身教职.
2. 保护和促进国际滑联全体教员的bc菠菜导航地位和利益.
3. 鼓励教师参与大学管理和决策.
4. Convey the policies and views 的 national 美国大学教授协会 (AAUP) to faculty, 管理员, 以及大学和学院的管理委员会, 给地方和州立法机构, 对公众也是如此.
5. 传播有关高等教育原则和实践的信息.
6. 参加AAUP印第安纳州会议.
7. 支持国家章程第一条规定的国家协会的政策和目标.
8. 为达到上述目的,在适当情况下促进集体谈判.
9. 为达到上述目的,制定分会程序.
为促进上述目的, 本分会有权:进行研究, 传播统计数据和其他信息, 参与各种筹款活动, 持有为达到目的所必需的财产, 聘请律师代表分会参加诉讼, 谈判, 为了其他目的. 
本分会是为上述目的及其他非牟利目的而成立.  任何净收入的任何部分不得支付给本组织的任何成员. 
本分会的会员资格对所有教员(终身教职)开放, 终身职位的, 特遣队及退休), 研究生, 以及bc菠菜导航的管理人员.  Chapter membership shall require payment of annual dues to the Chapter as well as membership in the national AAUP.  只要个人是国家AAUP的成员, membership in the Chapter shall become effective upon receipt of Chapter dues and shall expire on the 31st of August.  The amount of Chapter dues shall be determined by the Executive Committee and approved by a majority vote 的 Chapter members.  本分会会员之通知应由司库负责.   
教师, 研究生 以及bc菠菜导航的管理人员 who are not members 的 national AAUP may become Chapter Associates by paying the annual Chapter dues.   This status shall become effective upon receipt of Chapter dues and shall expire on the 31st of August.  分会成员将收到与分会成员相同的通讯.  然而, 分会会员将没有任何投票权有关分会业务, 不得担任本分会的干事.  
本组织的官员应为主席, 副总统, 秘书, 司库和两名临时管理人员. 
任期及选举  总统任期, 副总统, 秘书和司库任期为两年, 从当选年份的9月1日开始.  干部的任期应错开,以促进分会领导的连续性, 总统和秘书在偶数年选举产生, 副总统和财务主管在奇数年选举产生.  Officers-at-Large shall be elected annually with their terms 从当选年份的9月1日开始.  选举应在春季学期由现任官员组织.  经征求分会成员提名后, a slate of candidates shall be determined by the current officers and presented to the Chapter membership for their votes. 提名名单应包括所有愿意任职的被提名人.  电子投票是一种可接受的投票方式, 哪些要在四月底完成.  
在本宪法规定的第一次选举(2011年春季)中,所有官员将被选举, 但会长和秘书的任期为一年.  In the following year persons will be elected to these two positions for regular two year terms and a normal cycle of staggered elections will ensue.   
总统  校长的职责应包括执行本分会的政策, 任命分会的所有委员会, 对分会的活动实行全面监督, 并主持分会及执行委员会的会议 . 
在临时情况下, 或者总统长时间缺席, 副主席应代行主席职务.  The 总统 shall be a non-voting member ex officio of all committees but shall not be counted in determining a quorum in these committees. 
副总统  The duties 的 副总统 shall include those noted above as well as those delegated by the 总统. 
秘书  The duties 的 秘书 shall include keeping a record of all proceedings and correspondence 的 Chapter, 与分会成员沟通, 认证分会代表参加全国AAUP会议, 并与全国AAUP保持官方联系.  The 秘书 is also responsible for maintaining basic Chapter documents and transmitting these in good order to his or her successor. 
财务主管  财务主管应收取会员的会费, 是否有权在分会的银行帐户上签字, 准确记录所有收到的款项和所有支出, 并向分会执行委员会报告财务状况.  The 财务主管 shall also maintain a current membership list for the Chapter and each fall shall request from the national AAUP office a list of ISU faculty and 管理员 who are recognized as current members in the national AAUP.     
Officers-at-Large  一般干事是分会执行委员会的一部分, 并将出席其会议, and hold the same responsibilities as other Executive Committee members per Article VI of this constitution. 
职位空缺的原因  When an officer has resigned or been recalled or is no longer able to discharge functions 的 office, 该职位应由执行委员会宣布出缺.  
填补职位空缺  空缺应由其余的执行委员会任命填补.  如此被任命的人应任职至下一次定期选举官员为止. 
辞职  管理人员向执行委员会递交书面辞职声明.  其余人员见证后,应当宣布出缺.  
回忆  执行委员会的所有成员均可被罢免. 

A. 会员可在分会会议上或以请愿方式要求罢免选举.  The Executive Committee shall hold a recall election within thirty days if either two-thirds 的 members at a chapter meeting vote in favor of a recall, or if a petition requesting a recall is signed by thirty percent 的 Chapter membership and presented to the Executive Committee by a member.  被罢免的官员不得在进行这次选举中发挥任何作用.

B. 经三分之二以上会员投票赞成罢免, 该官员应出缺其在执行委员会的席位.

其他条件  万一出现只剩下一名军官的情况, 负责本分会的领导工作.  The officer shall recruit a temporary committee to identify a slate of candidates to fill vacancies on the Executive Committee to be voted on at the next meeting 的 Chapter or at a special meeting 的 Chapter. 
暂时没有  任期内旷课达一学期者,不取消资格, 在此期间缺勤的军官返回时,恢复其职务. 
The Executive Committee shall consist 的 elected officers 的 Chapter and the immediate past president.  It shall be the governing body 的 Chapter in service to the membership within the limits 的 Constitution. 
The Executive Committee shall assume responsibility for the Chapter’s continuing effective presence at ISU, 在出现空缺时填补执行委员会的所有职位.  执行委员会的职责包括: 
1. 每年春天举行选举,选出将于次年九月腾空的职位.
2. Meet at least once in each semester 的 academic year with a partially open agenda to enable the Chapter to respond to any ISU faculty member, 研究生, 或者管理员寻求帮助.
3. 在分会会议间隙处理分会事务.
4. 作出必要的任命以维持一个完整的执行委员会.
5. 为分会会议设定议程.
6. 就分会关心的事宜,定期与大学行政当局协商.
7. 回应新闻媒体的询问.
8. Supervise the preparation and distribution of a newsletter (if one is desired) to inform members and other faculty of recent activities, 并提供当地的信息和观点, bc菠菜导航, 或者国家重要性.
委员会  执行委员会如认为有必要,可不时成立特别委员会.  The members and chairs 的se committees shall be appointed by the 总统 with the approval 的 Executive Committee. 
分会会议可由会长或执行委员会多数成员召集.  The 秘书 shall provide written or electronic notice to all members well in advance 的 date selected.  The 总统 shall call meeting 的 Chapter within seven days when directed by the Executive Committee or by petition signed by twenty (20) percent 的 members 的 Chapter. 
The quorum required for transaction of business at all meetings 的 Chapter shall consist of twenty (20) percent of current members 的 Chapter.  由执行委员会酌情决定, 商业项目也可以通过投票或电子投票来决定. 
This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote 的 current membership 的 Chapter responding to a written or electronic ballot.  A notice setting forth the proposed amendment or amendments with supporting reasons and setting forth any known objections shall have been sent to each member at least thirty (30) days prior to the distribution of ballots.  百分之二十(20%)的分会成员的请愿书也可以发起修正案. 
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised 10th edition shall be the authority for the Chapter in matters of parliamentary procedure that are not specifically addressed in this constitution.