


Membership in the national AAUP gives full membership rights and benefits. Membership in the national AAUP automatically enables you to participate in the 印第安纳州美国

Membership dues are charged on a sliding scale. No portion of the dues paid to national AAUP are distributed to the local AAUP chapter. 然而, you may become a Chapter Associate of the ISU chapter to participate without voting privileges.


Membership in the ISU Chapter is open to all faculty (tenured, 终身职位的, contingent and retired), graduate students, and administrators at Indiana State University. The membership list of the ISU chapter is confidential.

章成员 are members of the national AAUP and receive all benefits and voting privileges. Chapter membership shall require payment of $10.00 annual dues to the Chapter as well as membership in the national AAUP.  Provided that an individual is a member of national AAUP, membership in the Chapter shall become effective upon receipt of Chapter dues and shall expire on the 31st of August. 

Chapter Associates are NOT members of the national AAUP. Chapter Associates will receive the same communications received by 章成员 from the ISU Chapter.  然而, Chapter Associates do not have any voting rights pertaining to Chapter business, and they may not serve as officers of the Chapter.    

Anyone may attend the ISU AAUP Forums or request advice and aid from the ISU AAUP Chapter. 然而, this can take time and effort on the part of the chapter. Therefore, chapter dues and donations are encouraged. 

  1. Please contact the Treasurer of AAUP ISU Chapter indicating your desire to join the local chapter. This can be done by telephone, campus mail, or email. Provide your ISU affiliation (e.g. academic department, etc.) and ISU contact information (email address and office telephone number.)
  2. Send payment for chapter dues to the ISU Chapter Treasurer. Currently dues are $10.00 per year for membership term of 1 September to 31 August.

Regular chapter members 必须 join the national AAUP; ISU Chapter Associates 不需要 join national AAUP and are able to participate but not vote in local matters.